Summer Fashion
Tragically, basic black is defeated by an australian summer, turned dull and powdery by the dazzling light. The fashion pages start featuring "pastels" and strappy mini dresses. The older woman sighs, wondering if she can get away with baring her arms for another season or face trying on swimwear under fluorescent light. And what was it Kristin Scott Thomas said about bare knees and the over-40s?
Around the nation, style goes out the window and "über bogan"* becomes the look du jour. Middle-aged men and small children start wearing more fluoro than a council road gang. People in bone-dry country towns start wearing surf clothes.
A few items from the "I just want to be comfortable" school of Aussie hot-weather fashion over the decades: long shorts and walk socks (the summer "smart business look of the '70s, still à la mode with bus drivers, Scout leaders and old school evangelists), the lime-green or beige safari suit, the baggy T-shirt and baggy shorts with oversized footwear, the zinc nose, Crocs, the terry-towelling hat, the colorful shirt, the floppy canvas hat, thongs, cropped pants, baseball caps with foreign-legion flap, budgie smugglers worn with matching beer belly, wraparound mirrored sunglasses and an extensive range of nylon-elastane wear in day-glo colours. Many of these are worn in combination, especially the further north you go.
Here's the mystery: Europeans manage to cover up from the sun or stay cool in summer, but they never look like this.
Fenella Souter
* wobei "bogan" mit "prollig" übersetzt werden kann. In der Schweiz gibt es kein wirklich passendes Wort dafür, aber ich denke, auf Bar- und Pubfestivals oder an Eishockey-Matchs kann man ein paar Exemplare davon erspähen. Aber ich möchte hier wirklich niemandem zu nahe treten!
Wie schmeichelnd dieses Urteil für Unsereiner ausfällt! Ich fühle mich als Stil-Queen, seit ich hier nach Melbourne gezogen bin.
Aber Moment, mir ist ein bisschen heiss, ich muss kurz meinen pink-lila-viollett-orange gestreiften Wollpulli ausziehen, bevor ich weiterschreibe ....

The End.
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